Terms & Conditions

Casa Lagos Main Photo

In this notice the terms “us” and “our” refer to House Stay Inn 11:11, S.A. de C.V. and its commercial brand o n c e : o n c e real estate, who offer and operate this website www.casalagos.onceonceproperties.com (the “Website”), including any data, tools and services available to the user, conditioned by the agreement and acceptance of any term, condition, policy and notice here established.

By entering our site you participate on our SERVICE and accept our TERMS, including any additional terms and conditions or any policy available thru any link in our website.

This Conditions of Service apply to any user of this website, including but not limited to visitors, registered users, clients and/or content contributors. Please read our terms carefuly, by entering or using any part of our website YOU AGREE AND ACCEPT OUR TERMS & CONDITIONS IN RELATION TO THE USE OF THE SITE.

o n c e : o n c e reserves the right to modify this terms and conditions at any time abd without notice, such changes are effective immediately. Check this terms and conditions frequently to know any modification.

Last update: March 24th, 2023.


The use and content on this site, including any text, data, logo, image, photo, animation, software, app, form, video, music or any other media (the “Content”) are subject to this terms. Any content you access on this site beling to us (or to third parties allowing us the use under license) and is available to you only for personal use conditioned to not post, transfer, public, edit, adapt or distribute any content without our previous written authorization. The name o n c e : o n c e, other commercial names and logos presented on this website may be registered and belong to us.

It is prohibited to link, substract data from this site or use any part of this site or its content for any commertial purpose or the use of our brands suggesting to have any sponsorship or affiliation with us, without our previous written consent.


This website may content links to third party websites, for your convenience only. We do not control and we are not responsible of the content on those websites. Including links to other websites on this site, does not meanthere is any sponsorship from us to the goods, services or material available on thise websites. You agree that we are not responsible for the use you make on those websites or any purchase made by you thru those websites.


The use of this website is limited to purposes permitted by law in accordance to this Terms and it is prohibited to use our site for any any ilegal or damaging activity. The use if this website is subject to our policies.

By registering fir any service offered on this site, you agree that any data provided by you to us is precise, complete and updated.


The form by which we collect and process your personal data, and how we keep your privacy are done in accordance to our Privacy Policy which is part of this Terms.


Our terms may be updated or corrected at any time and without previous notice, eg. when we add new functions or ehen there is any change to the applicable law. Any change is effective immediately and if you continue to use our website means tou agree to this changes sonce the last update.


o n c e : o n c e does not own any of the properties offered on this site and does not have a say on any of its design or construction. o n c e : o n c e only acts as an intermediary between the user or possible buyer and the seller.

Any area, measurement or distance shown on this site is aproximate and it is rounded up. Any text, photo or blueprint is support material o n c e : o n c e does not guarantee the veracity since is trusting in the indicated by the owner or third parties.

o n c e : o n c e has not tested any service, appliance or specific fitting — prospective purchasers are advised to inspect the property themselves. All fixtures, fittings and furniture not specified within these particulars are deemed removable by the vendor.

o n c e : o n c e is not related, directly or not, to any developing or construction business, real estare agency, finantial institution, sindicate or economic group that may lead to any restriction to the cobtent on this site.

The right to charge a comission by o n c e : o n c e is made effective when a purchase or contract, in relation to the property offered, is made as a result of the participation of o n c e : o n c e, immediately or after time.

The person interested on the property accepts the conditions by receiving the information from o n c e : o n c e and commits to treat the information with discretion, and to not share this info with third parties or use it for other purposes.


For any question or complaint about the website or this Terms, send us an email to:


House Stay Inn 11:11
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